It was created by Jeff Pulver and it looks in to "Exploring The State of Now"
The Conferences have taken place in New York City, Los Angeles, London and Tel Aviv.
It dives in to the world of Twitter and its effects on things such as Media, Marketing, Celebrity, Politics, Health Related Concerns, Music Education and Fashion.
"This event was the largest worldwide gathering of people interested in the effects of the real-time Internet on both business and “we” the people." You can visit their website here to see a video with @JeffPulver at SXSW as he talks about the Real Time Web and the #140conf
(Video) 10 Tips on Creating a School 2.0 from Chris Lehmann at the #140Conf
Chris Lehman is the Principal of the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia"When was the last time you took your students to a pencil lab?"
Visit the Education Software Blog For the list of Tips and more